My Not So Obvious Presumptive Signs

What are my presumptive signs suspecting am pregnant.
First, it starts with a lie.Funny but true. I experience a severe consistent dry cough three days prior I went to a doctor. I was complaining of non phlegm but totally itchy dry larynx. When I went for a check-up a doctor advised me to undergo a chest x-ray. I really wanted to refuse of it because I have been undergone x-rays three times in a year due to employment reasons. My lier mind thinks fast and provides a reason to the doctor that he can never disagree to. I told him that I am suspecting pregnancy though I am just a week delayed. I have an irregular period and I never expect to be pregnant since I am doing a lot of vices in the past month. Just an alibi to sum it.What to expect, of coarse the doctor said okay and even changed my antibiotic to a safe one which is Amoxicillin. Before I took the medicine I don't know what had happened that it crossed my mind to bought a pregnancy kit. Even myself was not convinced of buying it but for the first time my instinct lead me right. Yes! this is just the first time. I always experience my instinct to be a misleading clue. When I used the kit it shows us what we wanted but shocks us both. We're happy but more of a worried. But worries vanished when we immediately went to my first pre-natal check up.
Considering the presumptive signs are:
Absence of menstrual period ( I have irregular period and absence of it doesn't make sense to me at all)
Not so obvious craving (we always teased each other having a deadly sin gluttony that's why this one not seemed to be obvious)
Nausea ( I have an excuse of lack of sleep since I am working graveyard shift)
Vomiting ( I really have a bad stomach every after I am full)
Frequent Urination ( I never noticed it because it is also one of my excuses not to work much in the office)
Breast Changes ( I know it composed of fats and I am gaining weight obviously it will gain too)
Discharge ( I never notice it since I always change pantyliner every time I feel uncomfortable)
See, I have a lot of reasons that's why I never thought of it. In short only my instinct that guides me to found it out that I am soon to be a mom.

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